Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blind leading the Blind

I have an official distaste for sewing. I've taken several classes growing up but I avoid it like the plague. What is most annoying is even after several classes and having other people show me how to use the machine, I can barely tread the blasted thing.

Well last night, hubby wanted to sew on some patches for his airsoft stuff and after much avoidance from me he brings out the dreaded machine. I don't know much about sewing but can turn on the machine but it ends there. So he and I are trying to thread this monster and he keeps asking me questions of which I barely know the answer. It was the blind leading the blind. Hubby is convinced it's easier then I'm making it out to be....well after 2 hours of threading the machine and trying to figure out why it wasn't working, he to now is a believer that sewing is more then a mere challenge and leads to frustration and much nashing of teeth!!!


laura said...

he should have just called Jay:) He's a pro at "the machine"

Erica said...

really?....does he give lessons!

Jeni said...

Sewing is evil. My mom jokes that even my brother sews better than I do-- only it's not really a joke. It's quite true....

Erica said...

Jeni- it is evil! I can barely sew a tablecloth to save my life :)

No(dot dot)el said...

sewing takes patience. patience i don't have and probably never will in this life time. good for you for trying at least.

Rosanna said...

Erica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea you had a blog, you sneaky lil thing! I thought you "didn't like computer stuff". hahahha So fun to see this!

And I hate sewing too. It's of the devil.

Love you loads!