Friday, June 6, 2008

Salalah #1

I've been thinking about doing a series for awhile, and inspired by Laura and others, have decided to do one of the previous places where I lived during my adolescent years.

These places, I don't have any real crazy stories but just interesting pictures and living in each place was a great great experience. Out of the two places that we lived (further blogs will clarify), Salalah is me and my family of origins favorite. We have many fond memories and just connected to the people in a special way. They have large hearts and put us Westerners to shame when it comes to showing hospitality. I've tried to convince my hubby to visit the place with me, assuring him it's nothing like what we think of that place in the world is. Maybe some day.

More pictures will follow, as I have to dig them out of a box and scan them, but at least your geography knowledge will be expanded a bit by this one.

And this may clarify if you have wondered what this word is on my vehicle

1 comment:

laura said...

yay! I know I have been bad about my series... maybe I should continue it soon. Can't wait to hear more about Salalah:)