Sunday, February 8, 2009

You know you're getting older...

when the slides at playgrounds are to scary for you to go down and your toddler goes down them no problem.

We went to coconut bowl as a family on this past rainy Saturday. We played a game at bowling which was low key, although my 2 and 1/2 year old had a higher score then me (my justification is she used bumpers and that thing that rolls the ball down for you). I might have to use that one of these times.

We then went over to the play area. It's humongous and has multiple levels and slides. Morgan was in heaven with all the balls. Andy went in with her and then it was my turn to face the monster. I seriously had butterflies in my stomach going into that thing. For some reason, the crowd that was in there for me was different. It was mainly of pre-teenagers or teenagers playing tag and running through rooms knocking people over and hiding in the slides. Excuse me! I'd like to go down them. A complete madhouse. I started to feel like the 'uncool adult' that ruins kids fun. One of THOSE adults. Oh well. When the slides did open up, I couldn't believe how fast those things are. I'm SURE they've made them faster then when I went down them as a kid;) I went screaming down one which of course made my husband double over in laughing when I met him at the bottom. Did I mention, Morgan was fine, just me screaming.

I have complete more sympathy and compassion for my mom. I vivdly remember her being terrified of roller coasters and on one of our trips to Disneyland all three of us kids 'tricked' her into going onto the Thunder Mountain roller coaster. We told her it was a slow one and not that fast one that she kept seeing go by. My poor mom screamed her lungs out. I don't remember her being mad at us, just glad the ride ended fast!. May I be as brave and patient mother as mine was.


laura said...

You are brave... those balls scare me.

Jeni said...

My mom still won't me live down the time I talked her into going onto "The Corkscrew" with me. I swear I didn't know it went upside-down, but to this day she's convinced that I just tried to trick her...